Launch Your own Mentoring Platform or Marketplace within 24 Hours to Run Effective Mentorship Programs

Schedule a demo today and see how your organization can leverage the power of mentoring and skills coaching with SmartMentor


Driving personal and professional growth to empower your employees to unlock their full potential

Formalise and streamline knowledge transfer by making it easy for employees to learn from senior personnel, peers and colleagues.

Revolutionizing Mentorship Sessions

Give members of your ecosystem, business, or school the tools they need to develop on an individual level; that in turn strengthens your organization and increases loyalty and retention.

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Enhance Productivity

Mentorship creates stronger personal and professional connections within your organization and  enhances cross-team productivity, while increasing the feeling of 'ownership' for individuals in relation to their career.

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Create Goals / Milestones

Create customized paths for mentors and mentees, that align with their skill and career development needs, by setting specific goals and milestones that can be updated over time.

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Organisation Culture & Community

Build and grow your organization’s culture and community via development of the skills, knowledge and attitudes required for personal and organizational success.

1-on-1 or Group Mentoring Sessions

Found the right fit? Book a session and you’re on your way to growing your skills and confidence!

Insights, Analytics, Keep Track of Engagement

SmartMentor provides all reports and statistics about activities of mentors and mentee.

Goals & Milestones

Create customized paths for mentors and mentees that align with skill and career development needs. Set specific goals, that can be updated over time, and structured milestones with progress tracking.

Enhance Retention & Productivity

Mentoring and coaching has proven to increase employee retention and develops the organization’s talent pool.

Tools for development

Give members of your organization the tools to develop on an individual level which, in turn, strengthens your organization, increases loyalty and retention.


Powerful Cloud Platform that allows you to scale, manage and measure knowledge sharing results

Measure what Matters

Use SmartMentor KPI report to analyze RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI), engagement, trending insights and growth areas.

Research shows that organizations with a mentoring program report:

  • 91% growth in management role competencies

  • 97% increase in skills required for the job in hand

  • 72% increase in employee engagement

  • 87% improved confidence in handling challenges

  • 75% increase in quality of work


SmartMentor Empowers all types of organizations

Add tremendous value to your organization through our Enterprise solutions - customizable to your organization's individual needs.

Educational Institutions

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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

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Here's how SmartMentor works

Every mentor and mentee can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with personal and/or professional goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.

Every mentor and mentee in your organization can create a mentorship path that perfectly aligns with their career goals.


When you use SmartMentor, you're in great company

Add tremendous value to your organization through our White Label, Enterprise, and SAAS solutions - customizable to your organization's individual needs.

Kareem Elsirafy

Modus Capital

Supporting the entrepreneurial and startup ecosystems is vital to every economy and one key element of that support is the knowledge-transfer between and within generations.

Assia Riccio

Evolvin Women

A corner stone of success for Evolvin' Women has been the development of the mentorship program. It helped each participant navigate their own personal learning journey.

Grace Handler


Our best students were struggling to get real-world support outside of their classroom curriculum and our alumni were always looking to give back, so we started using SmartMentor to connect the two, and now we can’t imagine living without it!

Schedule a demo today and create a stronger company for tomorrow

© 2021 Smart Mentor FZ-LLC.
© 2021 Smart Mentor FZ-LLC.